Decades of Experience Winning Cases. Compassion That
Gets Results.
Verdicts & Settlements

Our lawyers are proud to have a long and successful track record of helping injured persons and their families obtain significant verdicts and settlements that allowed them to begin to put their lives back to together after devastating injuries. By holding the negligent accountable for the injuries they cause, our lawyers have made our communities and workplaces safer for everyone. The following are some examples of verdicts and settlements our lawyers have obtained for our clients over the years:
Amount | Case Description |
$2,400,000 | Settlement after two days of trial for the family of a chief mate who drowned after falling into an unmarked opening on a barge. |
$2,372,323 | Verdict in favor of Washington State Ferry vessel oiler who developed fibromyalgia as a result of injuries suffered while attempting to transfer bags of sand up a vertical ladder out of the vessel’s bilge. It is believed to be the largest fibromyalgia verdict in the nation. More Information |
$1,600,000 | Settlement for commercial truck driver who sustained a below-the-knee amputation of his leg at a port when a load of pipe collapsed on him as his truck was being unloaded. |
$1,200,000 | Ferry Worker Career-Ending Leg Fracture with ORIF Surgery. |
$1,100,000 | Verdict in favor of three Washington State Ferry employees who had suffered occupational asthma as a result exposure to chlorine gas. This is believed to be one of the largest verdicts in the country for occupational asthma. |
$900,000 | Settlement of bad faith claim against insurance company for failing to pay policy limits on behalf of its insured who had negligently injured clients in automobile collision. |
$866,000 | Settlement involving a shoulder injury to a ferry worker |
$825,000 | Settlement for injured tug seaman who sustained a career-ending injury to both wrists after the tug ran aground. |
$780,991 | Verdict in favor of Washington State Ferry ordinary seaman who suffered disabling back injury as a result of a defective buffer she was required to operate. |
$750,000 | Brain injury to an iron worker when a steel truss fell from overhead due to unsafe erection techniques. |
$750,000 | Settlement in pedestrian injury case involving closed head injury. |
$740,000 | Settlement in favor of fishing processor who had cargo fall onto in cargo hold resulting in pelvic fractures and other serious injuries. |
$705,000 | Settlement for tug seaman who injured back while attempting to untangle boom chains while working on a log raft. |
$675,000 | Settlement in favor of tugboat engineer injured as a result of defective cable and work methods used aboard a barge. |
$650,000 | Settlement in construction site negligence case involving cervical discectomy, rotator cuff repair, and post-traumatic stress disorder. |
$625,000 | Settlement for knee injury to able-bodied seaman. |
$570,000 | Settlement on behalf of tugboat deckhand who had developed psychogenic tremors as a result of traumatic shoulder and neck injuries while hauling in trailing line on a barge. |
$567,000 | Settlement in favor of a crab fisherman who suffered serious leg fractures as a result of an 800 crab pot falling on him. |
$558,654 | Verdict in favor of tugboat chief mate who had fallen between two barges into Puget Sound as a result of vessel owner and employer’s violation of 46 U.S.C. § 8104(h)(12-hour rule) and developed post-traumatic stress disorder. |
$550,000 | Settlement for shoulder injury and collar bone fracture after a motorcycle injury in a crash on Interstate 5. |
$550,000 | Shoulder injury to iron worker when the worker fell through a roof due to improper procedures and lack of adequate fall protection. |
$500,000 | Injury to shoulder of Washington State ferry employee from slipping on ice on stairs. |
$500,000 | Settlement in favor of Alaska Marine Highway assistant engineer who had fallen into an unmarked opening on a city dock and suffered a knee injury which prevented his return to marine employment. |
$500,000 | Settlement in favor of a Washington State Ferry quartermaster who suffered disabling injuries after falling into an open hatch. A lawsuit had been filed against the Washington State Ferry system and the vendor who was working in the hatch. |
$500,000 | Settlement for woman who sustained mild traumatic brain injury in a motor vehicle collision. |
$477,000 | Injury to seaman after falling from an unsafe ladder resulting in urethral transection, scrotal contusion, and erectile dysfunction. |
$450,000 | Shoulder injury and multiple fractures caused by head-on motor vehicle collision. |
$450,000 | Settlement in construction equipment failure case involving cervical burst fracture. |
$450,000 | Settlement in favor of construction worker who fell off roof and sustained back and ankle fractures. |
$450,000 | Settlement for injured chief engineer on tug after fell down defective tug ladder and sustained injuries that led to a cervical fusion. |
$420,000 | Knee injury to barge tankerman after slipping on a oily mat. |
$420,000 | Settlement for injured barge tankerman who slipped on oil and injured his knee and lower back. |
$400,000 | Injury to the shoulder of a tug deckhand when a towing line was pulled in an unsafe manner. |
$400,000 | Wrongful death of truck driver caused by accidental overdose of pain medication. |
$400,000 | Settlement for woman injured in the produce section of a large grocery retailer when a defective produce sprinkler sprayed water on the floor. Plaintiff sustained severe knee injury that led to multiple surgeries. |
$400,000 | Settlement for severe ankle and foot fractures from a fall off an unsecured ladder while attempting to board a fishing vessel in dry dock. |
$400,000 | Settlement for injury to cruise ship passenger when cruise line failed to monitor sauna and passenger lost consciousness. |
$380,799 | Verdict for chief engineer on tug following lower back injury while repairing an unseaworthy appliance on the tug. |
$380,000 | Settlement in favor of injured Washington State Ferry employee who was hit in the chest with a mooring line. |
$350,000 | Injury on a tugboat caused by an unsafe fixed ladder resulting in hip replacement. |
$305,000 | Verdict in favor of fish processor for knee injury sustained when a box fell off a conveyor belt in Dutch Harbor. |
$300,000 | Settlement in unguarded ladder claim involving cervical and thoracic burst fractures. |
$300,000 | Settlement in maritime / Jones Act injury claim involving loss of three toes. |
$300,000 | Verdict in favor of an oil barge tankerman who suffered injury as a result of barge owner’s failure to adequately mark an angle iron which supported spill rail on the oil barge. |
$295,226 | Verdict in favor of Washington State Ferry concessionaire who suffered lumbar spine injury with resulting fusion as a result of attempting to loosen beer keg tap which was frozen in closed position. |
$289,000 | Verdict against American Seafoods Company for knee injury to fish processor caused by unsafe conveyor belt. |
$280,621 | Verdict in premises liability case involving meniscus tear in the knee. |
$260,000 | Settlement for electrical death caused to concrete pump truck driver on a construction site. |
$255,000 | Back injury to tug worker attempting to correct an unsafe condition caused by a hydraulic fluid leak. |
$255,000 | Injury to shoulder of Washington State ferry employee from unsafe tie-up line. |
$250,000 | Arm fracture to deckhand working on factory trawler in the Bering Sea. |
$250,000 | Head and neck injury to a cruise ship employee hit by an object falling from an upper deck. |
$250,000 | Back injury to fish processor when he slipped and fell down defective stairs on vessel |
$250,000 | Settlement with Washington State ferries for injury to able- bodied seaman’s shoulder, neck, and upper back while attempting to pull a stuck car block out from a vehicle on the car deck. |
$230,000 | Settlement for driver who sustained a mild traumatic brain injury following a head-on collision. |
$225,000 | Shoulder injury to ferry worker after slipping on oil. |
$220,000 | Settlement for injured tug chief engineer who was hit with a parted tow wire and sustained a mild traumatic brain injury. |
$200,000 | Settlement against U.S. Navy for injury to welder who stepped into an unguarded hole in the flight deck of a naval destroyer. |
$200,000 | Fractures to the foot of a deckhand working on a factory trawler when object fell on foot. |
$200,000 | Settlement for bicycle rider who sustained pelvic fractures when dog knocked him off bicycle. |
$200,000 | Settlement for tug mate who sustained a lower back injury while attempting to pull a line stuck in a bow pud. |
$200,000 | Settlement for combi on a fishing vessel who sustained severe foot fractures when a large engine part was negligently dropped on his foot by co-workers. |
$186,514 | Verdict in favor of Washington State Ferry ordinary seaman who suffered knee injury tripping on a mat which had corner curled upward resulting in trip hazard. |
$175,000 | Settlement for wrist fracture caused by head-on motor vehicle collision. |
$175,000 | Settlement for a passenger on a cruise ship who sustained a serious knee and neck injury when she fell on broken plates that were not properly secured in bad weather. |
$162,500 | Settlement in favor of fisherman injured when he was stabbed by another member of the crew. |
$150,000 | Settlement for engineer on a tender vessel who sustained eye injury when a marine battery exploded in his face. |
$135,000 | Settlement for ankle fracture in motor vehicle collision. |
$125,000 | Settlement with Washington State Ferries following right shoulder injury while attempting to secure a rescue boat. |
$100,000 | Multiple rib fractures sustained by motorcyclist in a motor vehicle collision. |
$88,000 | Settlement for leg fracture involving an unguarded conveyor belt. |
Disclaimer: The cases and results are a sampling of results achieved. This does not constitute a promise, guarantee or warranty of any kind. Results differ from case to case depending on the facts