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Resources for People With Spinal Cord Injuries
Support Groups: Following a spinal cord injury it is important to connect with other people who have spinal cord injuries who understand what you are going through and who can offer support. Since many of the people who suffer from spinal cord injuries were once high-functioning young people, these contacts are particularly important to help the young person make the transition and adjust to a spinal cord injury. Support groups for spinal cord injury patients in Washington include the following:

- SCI Support and Information Group (Harborview Medical Center, Seattle, Washington): 206-616-8568
- Spinal Injury Group (Vancouver, Washington): 360-694-6790
- SCI Support Group (Bellingham, Washington): 360-332-8484
- SCI Support Meetings (Redmond, Washington): 425-869-9506
List Serves for Spinal Cord Injury Patients: Because it is not easy to always attend meetings, there are also a number of list serves for individuals with spinal cord injuries, including the following:
- SCI Mailing List: To join the group, send a message to with the following words in the subject line, “subscribe SCIPIN-L.” Once you join, send a message to the group at
- Paralysis Resource Center
- Spinal Cord Injury Network
- SCI Resource Center
- Spinal Cord Injury and Families