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Construction Site Injuries

At Kraft Davies Olsson PLLC, in Seattle, Washington, we represent residential and commercial construction workers who endure risky environments on a daily basis. When failure to heed construction industry safety standards or simple common sense results in serious, life-threatening injuries — such as being run over by forklift, falling into an excavation or falling off roof.

Contact us at 206.624.8844 for a free consultation following a serious construction accident.

Life-Threatening and Career Ending Construction Injuries

Our construction injury attorneys know how to assess the injuries and prospects for recovery. Specific areas of our construction law practice include:

  • Injuries from falls — A fall from a scaffold can result in a serious, career-ending injury. Workers have died following a construction accident of this nature. Our job is to see that the negligent party is held accountable.
  • Burn injuries — At Kraft Davies Olsson PLLC, we know that even the most experienced electricians can suffer shocks and burns or electrocution on a jobsite. Unsafe working conditions are usually the culprit, mandating that you retain experienced legal representation.
  • Crane injuries — When crane safety is not made a priority by a construction company, workers can get badly hurt or killed. The inherent risks involved combined with negligence can spell disaster and an end to a productive career.
  • Trench wall collapses — Physical and emotional damage can result from a frightening trench wall collapse. Many professionals rank them as one of the most harrowing types of construction accidents. If you have been hurt or traumatized in a trench wall collapse, do not hesitate to contact our firm for a free initial consultation.
  • Construction site explosions — Dangerous conditions are common on construction sites. Add to that a lack of attention to basic safety procedures and you have a recipe for disaster.
  • Construction site vehicle injuries — A rush to deliver materials or complete a project can result in vehicles moving too quickly on a construction site. The consequences of a dump truck injury can be deadly and fault may be placed on you. Let a seasoned construction accident attorney sort out the facts from the fiction.
  • Construction falls — Scaffolding is only one of many places where a fall can occur on a construction site. Unsafe conditions can lead to falls from high places. In a split second, your career could end — and a life of pain and suffering lie ahead.
  • Heavy equipment injuries — Heavy equipment is a fact of life on a construction site. However, when that equipment is poorly maintained or carelessly operated, you could suffer serious injuries.

Contact a Seattle Construction Accident Lawyer

For more information or to schedule an appointment with an experienced construction accident lawyer regarding jobsite injuries, please contact us or call 206.624.8844.

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  2. 2 No Fee Unless You Win
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